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The Beehive
The Beehive

Our Policies
Footsteps Community Preschool has a full-day license to cater for 50 children granted by the Ministry of Education according to the Early Childhood Education Curriculum Framework and 2008 Licensing Criteria.
AbsencePlease inform Preschool staff in advance if your child will be absent from the Preschool. In case of illness please phone office staff as early as possible on the day of absence. If your child is absent for a period of 10 consecutive days, all funding will be removed from your child’s account and could also result in a loss of the child’s position on the roll. To avoid this, please notify us of any extended absences.
AccidentsApart from minor scratches, any accidents occurring will be recorded in the duplicate accident book and parents informed. When necessary, and if parents are unable to be contacted, children will be taken to the Doctor listed on enrolment forms. Health and Safety Policy
AchievementsOur Preschool seeks to encourage child development through a sense of personal achievement. Children are given challenges and encouragement to extend themselves both through the use of unstructured free choice time and more structured teaching situations.
ActivitiesAs I am doing, I am learning. Because I do not always take something home does not mean I have not been busy. There are things for me to discover and explore, like nature, blocks, the family corner, sand and puzzles, and I learn through all these activities because I want to and it is fun. I may get dirty, wet or even a little hurt, while I am finding out about things – but if I make a discovery, it's been worth it! Curriculum Assessment Physical Activity
ArtAll art work will be kept and stored in the art box in the Pond or the basket in the Beehive for you to take home. Art not removed at the end of each term will be recycled. Please check these boxes regularly and take your child’s artwork to display or treasure at home.
BereavementsGuidelines are needed to ensure emotional and financial support for staff and families of the Centre during time of grief. Bereavement Policy
Camera / Video / iPadFrom time to time we record our activities with the use of a camera, video or iPad. These records may be displayed through various mediums like newsletters, TV display, our website or notice boards. If you do not wish your child to be photographed please inform staff. ICT & Social Media Policy
CarparkPlease keep your speed to less than 5km/h and be aware of young children in the area. Please follow the traffic flow arrows. For parents staying with their child or parking for longer periods of time please use the carparks on the grass verge side of the carpark area to free up the close parks for parents dropping off. In the event that extra car parking is required please use the adjacent Seventh-day Adventist Church car park.
CelebrationsGod made each child unique and we love to celebrate their lives. Acknowledgement of your child’s birthday will occur as close to your child’s birth date as possible when they will receive a card and be prayed for in an extra special way. Children transitioning from the Pond and from the Beehive are acknowledged in a special way too. We encourage parents to participate. During the Beehive graduation ceremony if you wish to provide a small giveaway for each child, non-food items such as pencils, bookmarks, stickers etc are preferred as this is in keeping with our healthy food policy. Healthy Lifestyle Practises Settling and Transition
Child CollectionFor your child’s protection we must know in advance if someone else is collecting your child. Please inform the Office and their name will be added to the child's official record so that staff can safely release your child. These procedures will be strictly adhered to, as the safety of your child is paramount. Child Collection Policy
Child ProtectionChildren have a right to have their needs met in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment; it is our role to provide such an environment. Any barriers or threats to child safety will be taken seriously and dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner. Children have a right to have their needs met in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. Access for Non Custodial Parent Policy Child Protection Policy Child Supervision Policy Response to Suspected Child Abuse
Childcare SubsidyA Work and Income (WINZ) childcare subsidy may be available for children under 3 years who are attending at least three hours per week. Children 3 years and over who are receiving the 20 free hours funding may also be eligible for this subsidy if they are attending longer hours. Please discuss with our Administrator or Manager who will explain the criteria and have the relevant application forms. Fees Statement
Civil DefenceIn the case of a civil defence emergency, staff will remain with the children until the last child has been collected. Information will be placed on the Preschool door if we are evacuated. Regular fire and earthquake drills will occur each term so children will know the procedures. Emergency Management Information for Parents & Caregivers Health and Safety Policy
ClothingWe provide many new experiences at the Preschool, so please dress your children in appropriate clothing that is well named. Check lost property daily as children seldom recognize their own clothing. Please provide a spare change of clothes including underclothing for your child. Please include your child’s Footsteps wet bag (purchased on enrolment) for wet or soiled clothes.
Contact DetailsPlease make sure you inform us of any new changes to your contact details.
CurriculumOur Special Character preschool weaves dynamic Christianity through every aspect of our curriculum so that children are constantly being connected to Jesus. Christian Curriculum Statement
Enrolment & FeesFees are payable one week in advance and for the current week. Payments can be made by cash, eft-pos, automatic payments and internet banking. Overdue fees will incur interest. For early and late casual care between 8:30am-9:00am and/or 3:00pm-3:30pm, there will be an equivalent charge to an extra half hour of the normal hourly rate. Unarranged pickups will incur a late fee. (Details are on display at the Centre). As there is a high demand for spaces, especially in the Beehive classroom, those with outstanding accounts may lose their place in the Preschool. All accounts are to be kept up-to-date. Any accounts left unpaid for more than two weeks may result in the loss of the child’s position on the roll. Regular booked hours will be charged regardless of whether your child is absent, arrives late or is collected early. We require two weeks’ notice of termination of a booking otherwise two weeks’ fees will be charged. Enrolment Agreement Form
Equity StatementEquitable practices will be an integral part of the administration and operation of this preschool. The Christian belief that people from all walks of life, regardless of intellect, race, belief, are of equal value in the eyes of God is a value of this preschool. Equity Statement
ExcursionsTrips are an extension of our programme. You will be notified of planned excursions into the community. A signed consent form is required for your child to be able to attend. Excursions may incur additional costs and parental help is required for safety. These trips are included in our programme: To link community with the Preschool To expose our children to different experiences To bring living and learning together To explore our own environment To stimulate questions and receive satisfying answers To gain information that we can use while we are creating To extend our knowledge, experience, thinking and language To have fun Curriculum Assessment
FoodChildren who are staying over the lunch period will be required to bring a healthy lunch in labelled container and a drink bottle filled with water only. Treats like chocolates, lollies, rollups, twisties, cheezels, rashuns, dairy food, sugary muesli bars etc and juice should be saved for home. Due to the allergies of some children, we have a NO NUTS policy within the centre. Our fridge is available for you to store any food that needs refrigeration. Please make sure it is named and inform your child’s teacher. We are unable to cook food but we are able to re-heat any food required for lunch. Health and Safety Policy Healthy Lifestyle Practices
FundingAs a licensed early childhood Preschool, we receive funding through the Ministry of Education. This money, along with parent fees, childcare subsidies and administration charges is used to pay for staff wages and training, admin expenses, art supplies and new equipment. We value your support with fundraising. Financial Management
HolidaysDuring school term holidays, the Preschool will remain open as normal. Fees will be charged as normal during all school term holidays. The Preschool is closed for all public holidays, and for three weeks over Christmas. No fees will be charged for these times.
Inclusive EducationAll children have the opportunity to receive appropriate early childhood education and care. Inclusive Education Statement
Information & Complaints ProcedureIf you have a complaint about a staff, Trust or Management Committee member, please approach that person in a caring Christian manner to try to solve the problem. If this is not satisfactory, a meeting between those involved will be organized to work to an agreeable solution. (Please refer to the Compliance statements displayed on the notice board, or the Complaints Procedures document in the Operations Manual in the foyer). Information & Complaints Procedure
MedicationSee a teacher for more details. Medicine will only be given to your child when signed authority is given on the Medicine Register. Health and Safety Policy
Parent InvolvementWe welcome your attendance any time, for part of, or a complete session. Your child will enjoy your company but please remember they may have difficulty in sharing your time with others. A Parent Notice Board and Library are available and occasional meetings or workshops will be held to discuss topics of interest. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, and teachers are busy during the session, please make an appointment. We will be pleased to meet with you during or after the session. Our aim is to work together with parents for the best education for each child. Parent Communication Procedure
PortfoliosA visual record of your child’s learning and exploration during their time at Preschool will be developed in the form of a portfolio. These Portfolio folders show the unique 'Footsteps' of your child on their journey through the early years. The learning stories and observations will be linked to Te Whāriki, the Early Childhood Curriculum. An annual $48 ($12 per term) charge will be made to cover folder and printing costs. This will be included on your account at the beginning of each term. Curriculum Assessment
Positive GuidanceAt all times children will be treated with respect and dignity and encouraged by use of positive reinforcement. A child will be helped to resolve unacceptable behaviour in a peaceful way, then encouraged to return to some meaningful activity. Prayer will be used as appropriate. Continuing unacceptable behaviour will result in consultation with parents, so that together we can decide on the best management strategies, so the child’s character development remains positive. Positive Guidance Policy
Primary School EnrolmentFootsteps Preschool is a separate entity from the adjacent South Auckland SDA Primary School. Enrolment at the preschool will not guarantee your child’s acceptance to the primary school. Normal enrolment procedures will occur. Settling and Transition
Programme DevelopmentPlanning is initiated by staff observations and evaluations of an individual child or group of children or by what is happening in the community. Regular observations and evaluations will be completed. The group time programme will be based on the Bible, will promote Christian principles, and will be linked to current interests. The programme will provide active learning experiences, and challenges to meet the needs of individual children. The national early childhood Te Whāriki curriculum and current theories in early childhood will be acknowledged. Curriculum Assessment
Reception PocketsOn enrolment at Footsteps, a pocket will be available for your family at reception. This enables information to be passed onto families in a timely manner. Please check your pocket daily for the latest news, your weekly invoice, or any other correspondence from the centre. Parent Communication Procedure
Settling InWhenever possible, we encourage parents/ caregivers to spend time settling your child in the Preschool. Children will be required to attend three free visits prior to commencement date to help them become familiar with the environment, staff and routines. A parent, or an adult of the parents’ choice, will need to supervise the child for the duration of these visits. Settling and Transition
SicknessWe reserve the right to ask for a child to be taken home in the case of illness. If your child/ren are unwell please keep them at home until they are clear of symptoms for 48 hours. Health and Safety Policy
StaffStaff members employed at this Preschool are selected for their Christian commitment, integrity, patience and personal qualities of warmth and a love of children. They are qualified in the education field and are committed to continuing education. Each classroom has a Lead Teacher who is responsible for leading the teaching team. In co-operation with the team they will oversee the planning, curriculum development, room environment and Christian character implementation. Personnel Policy
Sun Safe PolicyThe NZ sun is known to be very harsh and sunburn during childhood can increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. We want to protect our children from the sun in practical ways that allow them freedom to play and explore. As well as providing shade areas we have a STRICT hat policy during the summer months, terms 1 and 4. Your child must have a named hat to wear during these terms that will be kept at preschool. Please also apply sunblock to your children prior to them arriving at preschool in the summer months. If necessary this may be reapplied by the teachers. Health and Safety Policy
ToiletingIf your child wears nappies, please provide enough nappies and wipes for their stay at Preschool. If your child is in the process of toilet training, please let your child’s teacher know in order to support with consistency. It is usual practice for children to be kept in the Pond classroom till they are completely toilet trained. Health and Safety Policy
ToysWe recommend children’s own toys remain at home, unless required for settling. It is hard for children to share something special, and much suffering occurs if their toy is lost or broken.
Trust ManagementFootsteps Preschool is governed by the Footsteps Early Education Trust which oversees the Preschool Management Team made up of elected members, including staff and parent representatives. The Management Team’s role is to provide leadership and guidance, and to initiate, plan and implement the licensing criteria, special character, policies, curriculum and administration requirements. Governance and Management Policy
Visitors to the PreschoolIn the course of a Preschool day there are many visitors including parents and whanau, trade persons, educational support, students and sales people that will interact with the staff and children in some capacity. Children’s safety and wellbeing will be the primary priority when granting visitor access. Visitors to the Preschool
Waitlist Terms & ConditionsWaitlist Terms and Conditions
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